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making of "into the fire"

Direction, cinematography and editing: Sebastian & william Rosso
Cast: Rickard Arvidsson, Maja Arvidsson, William Rosso, Axel Arvidsson,
Jacob Arvidsson, Jesper Rundberg.
3D: Sebastian Rosso VFX: William Rosso
Special thanks: Reaktor Sydost, Enferia, Rickard Arvidsson

vfx breakdown

When we set out to make our first music video, we immediately decided to take on a cinematic approach: meaning longer takes were characters and scenes are established (as opposed to frantic cutting which is quite common in modern rock videos).


We also wanted to fuse the artists performance with the story driven elements.

In order for that to work we basically storyboarded every frame and made an animatic of the whole music video, to use as reference in terms of pacing and placement of shots.


Since the story driven elements directly impacts the performance of the band, we also needed to know when in the song corresponded to which event in the video.

This helped us determine when the performance of the band and the story of the rebels would fuse-

-as well as displaying exactly when the lights needed to be switched in the video.

Lights consisted of two Arri fresnels to enhance the fire on the sides, a Kino Flo and practical work light.

Most of the props used in the video: flags, iron pipes, batons and shields where created by spray-painting household products.

The shield was made from an Ikea plastic lid found in our household (will be missed...)

Lots of the effects seen in the video are actually practical effects.

Fiery explosions and bursts of electric shocks are all pre-recorded fire bombs and fireworks, that we shot on a black background and later added onto the original shot for an organic effect.

Smoke machines and smoke bombs were also used on-set.

Lighter fluids was used for the oil drum fires, altenatively firewood.

The tank was digitally made. Created in Autodesk Maya:

A break in the production gave us a continuity problem, as our female character cut her lovely hair. 
Cosmetic VFX were therefore used in totally three shots, to seamlessly match the appereances:



Other examples of cosmetic VFX was darkening all of the soldiers visors (to make them look more threatning), coloring of the molotov (as it only contained water) and some minor prop detailing.


We only had 3 soldiers on set and had to use crowd duplication, which means we had to shoot the soldiers in different shots and later composite them together: - +46 70-0588788 - RedRow VFX & Film
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